Fringe partners

How to Promote Your Shows!
To all participating companies at the 2013 Prague Fringe,
Check out our very useful 'Bums on Seats' guide to which is full of the most up-to-date info on how to maximise your audiences and make the most of your time here in Prague.
Don't forget to find, tag, comment on and share your show photo in our Facebook 'Sneak Peak' album here. We'll be rotating our cover photo with images from this album over the next few months so the more info your potential audience members can see about your performance, the better!
Below are the Fringe logos which you can use on your posters and flyers.
Fringe logo - square
Fringe logo - long with dates
Steve Gove and Carole Wears
Festival Directors - Fringe Festival Praha
The application window for performers at Prague Fringe 2013 is from 6th August to 26th September 2012
How the Festival works:
Fringe Festival Praha takes place in a number of venues across the Mala Strana area of the city. Each venue has its own nuances, from Kavarna 3+1 our intimate coffee house venue equipped with a small platform stage and a CD player and a standard lamp for lighting, to spaces more technically equipped for theatrical or cabaret performances. During the course of the Fringe each of these spaces will be used for up to 6 performances a day, so all performances have only 15 minutes to get their sets in and 15 minutes to get them out after performances – this is very much the nature of Fringe the world over.
Please take a careful look at the spaces we have available, and the more detailed application information and technical information before applying.
In your application please note all of the spaces in which your production could take place and all of those it could not. Be specific about the dates you could and could not play and the maximum number of performances you would like to have. The more realistic but flexible you can be the more possible it will be for your show to be part of the forthcoming festival. There are a number of other things that are taken in to consideration in the selection process from the quality of your application, to the distribution of countries represented, the range of performance types (cabaret, text based, comedy etc) to fit of shows to venues.
If your application to perform has been successful you will hear from us by the end of November and by mid December we will request confirmation in the form of a contract and participation fee from you along with images and copy for our brochures.
We look forward to hearing from you and please check the websites for updates
Useful links:
Detailed Venue Information Packs:
Book Accommodation

Book Flights

Our Special Friends